009 Plastic Moment Material Different Yield Point In Tension And Compression

A rectangular cross-section is made of an elastic, perfectly plastic material behaving differently in tension and compression. However, the material’s elastic modulus in tension and compression is assumed to be the same. The relation between stress and strain for the tension and compression is shown below.

  1. Determine the bending moment the cross-section approaches its yield limit.
  2. What is the elastic neutral axis?
  3. Which side of the cross-section will yield first, tension or compression?
  4. As noticed, the compressive side of the cross-section will yield first. Determine the required bending moment that the tensile side of the cross-section yields. Also, determine the location of the neutral axis in this condition.
  5. If the cross-section is entirely plastic, determine the plastic neutral axis and the corresponding plastic bending moment.

P.S. Assume that the bending moment applied to the cross-section is positive.

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